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How Much Does It Cost to Replace the Battery on a Tesla?

By: Otaiba Ahsan

Tesla Service Center, a place where you can replace your Tesla Battery
Tesla Service Center

As a Tesla owner, one of the things I hear the most from people who are skeptical about electric vehicles (EVs) is how my car’s battery won’t last and that I’ll have to spend a fortune getting it replaced. While I’m never provided with any facts, it is a good question… How much does it cost to replace the battery on a Tesla? Continue reading to learn about Tesla’s impressive batteries, and what the cost of replacing one would be.

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How Much Maintenance Is There on a Tesla?

By: Otaiba Ahsan

Solid Black Tesla Model 3 in a Parking Lot
Solid Black Tesla Model 3

Tesla’s lineup of electric sedans and SUVs has become increasingly popular in recent years. These electric vehicles (EVs) have revolutionized the auto industry, with their sleek design and next-level software. One of the most appealing aspects of Tesla ownership is the low maintenance requirements. But how much maintenance is there on a Tesla? Continue reading as we take a closer look at what’s required and what to expect as an owner.

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How Much Does It Cost to Charge a Tesla Model Y?

By: Otaiba Ahsan

Tesla Supercharging Stall
Tesla Supercharging Stall

Electricity is an alternative fuel that costs much less on average than gas does in the world of cars. This is a huge selling point for many consumers who are switching to electric vehicles (EVs). But how much does it cost to charge a Tesla Model Y? The answer isn’t exactly linear, as there are multiple factors to consider. Continue reading for insights on the costs of charging your Tesla Model Y.

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How Much Does It Cost to Charge a Tesla Model 3?

By: Otaiba Ahsan

Tesla Vehicle Charging at a Tesla Supercharging Station
Tesla Plugged in at Supercharging Station

Electricity is an alternative fuel that costs much less on average than gas does in the world of cars. This is a huge selling point for many consumers who are switching to electric vehicles (EVs). But how much does it cost to charge a Tesla Model 3? The answer isn’t exactly linear, as there are multiple factors to consider. Continue reading for insights on the costs of charging your Tesla Model 3.

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Where Do You Charge Your Tesla?

By: Otaiba Ahsan

Tesla Supercharging Station
Tesla Supercharging Station

Electric vehicles (EVs) have gained immense popularity in recent years as the world moves towards a sustainable future. Tesla, the leading EV manufacturer, has taken the market by storm and is often the primary choice for those considering buying one. Something all potential buyers should ask themselves is, where do you charge your Tesla? Continue reading to see what your charging options are, potential costs and how to use them to their fullest potential.

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How Long Does it Take to Charge a Tesla Model Y

By: Otaiba Ahsan

Midnight Silver Metallic Colour Tesla Model Y Charging in a Parking Garage
Tesla Model Y Charging in a Parking Garage

If you’re considering buying a Tesla Model Y, it’s important to understand how long it takes to charge the battery. There’s no single answer to this question, as there are several ways to charge your car and they all vary in charging time. So how long does it take to charge a Tesla Model Y? Continue reading to explore the different charging options for your Model Y, the time it takes to charge, tips and more!

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How Long Does It Take to Charge a Tesla Model 3?

By: Otaiba Ahsan

Tesla Supercharging Cable Plugged Into a Red Tesla
Tesla Supercharging Cable

If you’re considering buying a Tesla Model 3, it’s important to understand how long it takes to charge the battery. There’s no single answer to this question, as there are several ways to charge your car and they all vary in charging time. So how long does it take to charge a Tesla Model 3? Continue reading to explore the different charging options for your Model 3, the time it takes to charge, tips and more!

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How Far Can a Tesla Model Y Go on a Single Charge?

By: Otaiba Ahsan

Midnight Silver Metallic Color Tesla Model Y
Midnight Silver Metallic Tesla Model Y

If you’re in the market for a Tesla Model Y or any other electric vehicle (EV), one of the most important things to consider is its range. In other words, how far it can go on a single charge. As a Tesla owner myself, it’s one of the most common questions that I’m asked and the answer’s not as simple as you might think… Continue reading to explore factors that affect the Model Y’s range, and some tips on how to maximize it. Let’s see how far a Tesla Model Y can go on a single charge.

Battery and Range

Currently, Tesla offers three trims of the Model Y that can be ordered directly from their site. This includes the Dual Motor All-Wheel Drive, Long Range and Performance models, respectively. All three models house a lithium-ion phosphate battery pack. This means that you should charge your Model Y between 80% and 90% to avoid faster degradation of your battery.

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How Far Can a Tesla Model 3 Go on a Single Charge?

By: Otaiba Ahsan

Pearl White Tesla Model 3
Pearl White Tesla Model 3

One key consideration for anyone interested in buying a Tesla Model 3, or any electric vehicle (EV) in general, is its range. In other words, how far it can go on a single charge. As a Tesla owner myself, it’s one of the most common questions that I’m asked and the answer’s not as simple as you might think… Continue reading to explore factors that affect the Model 3’s range, and some tips on how to maximize it. Let’s see how far a Tesla Model 3 can go on a single charge.

Battery and Range

Currently, Tesla offers three trims of the Model 3 that can be ordered directly from their site. This includes the Rear-Wheel Drive, Long Range and Performance models, respectively. The Rear-Wheel Drive trims are currently shipped with a lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery, whereas the Long Range and Performance models have a lithium-ion battery pack. The key difference for you and me, is that LFP batteries can be charged to 100% each day, whereas lithium-ion batteries are recommended to be charged between 80% and 90% to avoid faster degradation of your battery.

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How to put Tesla Model 3 into Neutral

Before entering a car wash, you probably questioned “how do I put the car in neutral?” Unlike many ICE, it is not as trivial for Model 3. Don’t worry, you are not alone. On the Model 3, you simply push down for 1 full click to get into drive, and then softly raise the stick WITHOUT clicking for a few seconds and it will shift into neutral. I hope this helps! Also, don’t forget to turn off automatic wipers before entering that car wash.