
Change your mind?

Not a problem! We accept returns. There is a 25% restocking fee to cover the return shipping and handling costs unless the returned item is defective, damaged or a wrong item. You can return unused items in the original or even opened packaging within 30 days of the delivery. If 30 days or more have passed since your package was delivered, we cannot offer you a refund or an exchange.

Upon receipt of the returned item, we will fully examine it to ensure item is unused and notify you via email, within a reasonable period of time, whether you are entitled to a return. If you are entitled to a return, we will refund your remaining purchase price after applying a 25% restocking fee and this credit will automatically be applied to your original method of payment.

Simply use the contact page to request a return

Received a Defective Unit?

We only exchange or refund an item with no restocking fee if it is defective, damaged or a wrong item. In circumstances where you consider that a product is defective, damaged or doesn’t match the product that you purchased, you should promptly contact us within 30 days of the delivery with details of the product and the defect. We will request a photo or small video clip detailing the defect. If 30 days or more have passed since your package was delivered, we cannot offer you a refund or an exchange.

Simply use the contact page to request an exchange.


All products have at least 1 year warranty unless extended warranty is specified.